Try my no-churn Grapes Sorbet in a jiffy.

Watch the making of Sorbet

The word Sorbet, pronounced as "Sor-Bay" is a frozen dessert which is typically made with of fruit juice /or puréed fruit, plus a sweetener, along with other flavoring ingredients. Wine and liquor are sometimes used for flavoring sorbet.

Sorbet can be complete Vegan and there is no use of dairy product, such as milk or cream or yogurt.  Neither eggs are used in making sorbet.  Sorbet looks almost like ice cream.  I look into it as a replacement for ice-cream and it is more natural, healthy and low on fat.  Let’s just keep the healthy part to us adults and let the kids enjoy sorbet in summer.  Sorbet can be made from any fruit available.

Restaurants use sorbet as a Palette Cleanser during multi-course meals because its intense fruit flavor is extra refreshing.  Sweet sorbets like strawberry and chocolate are most commonly served as a dessert course. Sorbet can also appear as a dining palate cleanser.  Crisply flavored sorbets like lemon or orange are served in between courses as a refresher to cleanse the palate of guests so as to not cross “contaminate” one dinner course with the other.

Any type or combination of fruit can be pureed and turned into a sorbet.  The sorbert is often churned in an ice cream maker, which makes it scoop able but not creamy but it can be made without an Ice cream maker as well.  The plus point is that it’s incredibly easy to make at home.

Grapes are in season now, so I thought make the best use of grapes.  I am not an ice cream lover, but the natural sweetness of the grapes, slight tanginess from yogurt and black salt, I couldn’t resist myself from having another bowl of Sorbet. My both kids loved it and I couldn’t believe they were asking for more. This is really a good substitute for diet health conscious people.  Serve this as summer treat to your family and friends.

Try my no-churn Grapes Sorbet in a jiffy.  In this recipe I have used Grapes and Celery, both are super antioxidants.  I have already given the benefits of grapes in my previous recipe of G​ingLeGrapes Sparklers. Celery tastes peppery and hence the combination of sweetness from grapes, mild tanginess from yogurt and the pepperiness from celery, gives a good refreshing and cleansing to the mouth.  Recipe of G​ingLeGrapes Sparklers


  • 3 cups frozen green grapes
  • 1”inch celery stem
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ¼ tbsp.  of Black salt
  • 2 tbsp. yogurt (optional)


Wash the grapes and freeze it in bag for 5 to 6 hours or overnight.  The grapes I have used is sweet ones hence I am not adding any sweetener.

In a food processor or grinder, puree the frozen grapes along with celery, yogurt and salt.  This might take some time, keep scraping the sides as needed and fine grind to smooth consistency.

Pour in the puree in a large bowl and scope out the desired serving, garnish with some lemon and mint leaves. 

You may refrigerate the puree for 30 minutes to make it firm.  You can store in an airtight container and refrigerate it for future use.

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