These are no bake cookies.  Retaining the freshness of the apples and that's the reason I call them Gentle Apple Cookies.

There's no better way to start the day than with a healthy breakfast that tastes like dessert.  It's every kids' dream—cookies for breakfast! And don't worry about being the parent who's always serving sweets. This healthy treat is filled with fresh apples, and chocolate.

Serve it as open cookies or sandwich cookies in kids’ tiffin, never stop from giving cute surprises.  Not just for kids, this would be a great treat for Adults as well.


  • 1 apple, sliced
  • Hazelnut Chocolate paste
  • Red currant
  • Icing sugar

Slice the apples into desired shapes.


Scoop and spread the hazelnut chocolate paste over the apple slices and finally top it with fresh red currant and sprinkle some icing sugar or sprinklers or colourful gems.

Go creative with your platting.

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