Looking for fruit recipe? Here is one.

Its great to eat fruits as sweet treat but as human we always need a change. So why not include fruits in savory dishes?

There are plenty of fruits to be added to savory dishes. Here in this recipe I have used figs along with mortadella slices. Mortadella is a type of light pink, smooth-textured Italian sausage containing pieces of fat, typically served in slices. These sweet and savory flavor elevates a not-quite-there dish to delectable perfection. Quick cooking methods are best for ripe fruit, to avoid loss of nutrients. 

This is a warm sandwich for a cozy night indulgent with this melting cheese and sautéed fig with the peppery hint of mortadella and butter toasted sandwich - the perfect winter pick-me-up. 


  • 4 slices 100% whole wheat bread
  • 4 teaspoons reduced-fat creamy butter
  • 2 figs, sliced
  • 6 pcs Beef mortadell
  • 4 tbsp parmesan cheese, grated
  • 4 tbsp mozzarella cheese, cut in mini bits
  • to taste Salt and pepper


In a pan, saute the mortadella slices. In the same pan, quickly saute the fig slices and turn them gently.  Fruits should not be overcooked.

Apply nice dollop of butter on the bread slices and thereafter spread Parmesan cheese and mozzarella cheese.

Place the pan sautéed mortadella slices on the butter and cheese lathered bread and top it with fig slices. Season with some salt and pepper.

Now place another slice of buttered bread on the bread with all the toppings.

Heat a pan / grill pan with enough butter and toast the Sandwich on both the sides, until the cheese starts melting and oozing and the bread crust turns brown and crispy.

Do try this recipe and don’t forget to let me know if you like it through comments. Be kind to like my page and share with your friends using the buttons on the side, that would really encourage me. God Bless!

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