You call it Lebanese pickles or Arabic pickles or Middle Eastern pickles. These instant pickled vegetables can be prepared with almost any veggies other than leafy veggies. A simple delicious recipe that tastes great on its own or add it to any sandwiches, wraps, tacos or add to your fresh salad, it just gives a superb punch and adds on flavors.


For the past few weeks I have been doing bulk grocery shopping for almost 2 weeks. After we consume all our vegetable stock, only then I step out with my planned grocery list. These are the times, when most of the restaurants are closed down, when things are getting little out of stock, lack of availability, depending on local produce and kitchen garden, I want to be more economic, avoid any food waste, preserve ingredients for longer time and at the same time meet up family food needs. Now my fridge is filled with colorful fresh veggies for the next 2 weeks and I can think of nothing other than pickling some of them to make my sandwiches for the coming weeks.

Pickling is best done with super-fresh vegetables.

Here’s a simple recipe that can accommodate veggies such as turnips, radish, beetroot, carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, green beans, baby corn, onions, chilies and peppers.

These pickled veggies are common in Middle Eastern cuisine and is stuffed in Falafel sandwich and Shawarmas and the secret to this simple, flavorful pickle are the spices you add into the brine. The spices vary from funnel seeds, dill seeds, peppercorn, cloves, mustard seeds and coriander seeds.

You may be also interested to try my other pickles recipes. Check out the below links:

Getting back to Lebanese Pickle recipe, the 1st and the most important thing is, before you start this recipe, prepare your Jars preferably the previous day. Wash the Jars well and dry them under sunlight.

Assure that the jars are well sterilized and every time use spoon or fork to remove the pickled veggies. For this recipe I have used 1 big canning jar and 1 one medium size Jar.


  • Fresh raw veggies to fill your Jars
  • 1 tablespoon Peppercorns
  • 2 – 3 Bay Leaves
  • 1 teaspoons White Mustard Seeds
  • 8 – 10 cloves Garlic
  • 1 tablespoons Coriander seeds (optional)


  • 2 cups white vinegar. You may use Apple cider or Rice wine instead.
  • 3 cups Water
  • 3 tablespoon Sugar
  • Salt as required


Wash the vegetables in salted water and pat dry with the help of kitchen towel.

You may use any veggies that suits you. Peel and trim them and then slice or chop them as you desire. I have used the veggies that we commonly eat at home and at the same time I wanted to have colorful pickled jar with long strips of veggies.

Make the brine: In a deep vessel, bring the water, vinegar, salt and sugar to boil, stirring to dissolve the salt and sugar. Once it is nicely boiling, switch off the flame and set it aside to cool down.

In the meantime, cut the washed veggies.

Now it is time to stuff our beautifully cut veggies into the jars. Start with bay leaf and some of the dried whole spices.

Begin adding the veggies along with garlic and any fresh herbs if you are using.

Once the Jar is half filled, carefully pour the warm syrup over the veggies, completely submerging them. 

Add in the remaining vegetables and the balance dried whole spices. 

When liquid has come to room temperature, check out for any air bubbles and remove them by gently tapping the Jar on the kitchen counter. Close the Jar lid tight and place it on the kitchen counter for a day. 

By the next day these veggies would have absorbed the vinegar along with spices and is ready to eat. Now these can be stored up to 2-3 weeks in the fridge but I guess these will over by then. In the next 2 days they will have enhanced flavors.

Let me warn you, these pickles are addicting and are perfect condiments along with grilled meats or kebab or sandwiches.

Enjoy these instant and easy refrigerator pickles.

Do try this recipe and don’t forget to let me know if you like it through comments. Be kind to like my page and share with your friends using the buttons on the side, that would really encourage me. God Bless!

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